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The IMMUNOMICS Lab focuses on deepening the understanding of autoimmune diseases (ADs) through cutting-edge multi-omics strategies such as cytomics, vesicolomics, single cell proteomics/transcriptomics, and imaging mass cytometry. Our primary focus involves unraveling the immunopathogenesis of these conditions and uncovering novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Beyond ADs, our research extends to exploring major depressive disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and cancer, collaborating closely with other research groups.

Our expertise lies in multiparametric flow cytometry, cell sorting, and bioprinting. We are currently upscaling our capabilities in imaging mass cytometry to delve deeper into cell-to-cell interactions and unearth new tissue-specific biomarkers. In vesicolomics, we have developed and set up innovative methods for isolating and characterizing extracellular vesicles across various biological samples. In particular, we are focusing on developing new effective methods for isolating and characterizing EVs from eukaryotic and prokaryotic origin starting from fecal samples. Furthermore, in the realm of nutritional immunology, we have devised novel tools to investigate the intricate relationship between diet and the onset of ADs. Lastly, we also evaluate the immune response to biomaterials for musculoskeletal regeneration.

Beside immunomics, and in the frame of the EU-funded FLAMIN-GO project, we're creating personalized joint-on-chip model tailored to each rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patient, starting from their biopsies. This chip will enable us to assess a range of available drugs and swiftly provide personalized therapeutic insights within 1-2 months of diagnosis. This groundbreaking approach aims to revolutionize treatment strategies, offering tailored solutions starting from RA patients but extensibile to other AD that are currently biopsied. Thanks to this line we founded a start-up company, AI-TWIN (www.aitwin.it), that is also a UPO Spin-off.


Pubblicazioni selezionate

1. Cappellano, G. et al. “Circulating Platelet-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Are a Hallmark of Sars-Cov-2 Infection”. Cells 10 (2021):85.

2.  Raineri, D.et al.Osteopontin binds ICOSL promoting tumor metastasis”. Commun Biol 3 (2020):615.

3.  Barbero Mazzucca, C. et al.Nutrition and Rheumatoid Arthritis Onset: A Prospective Analysis Using the UK Biobank”. Nutrients 14 (2022):1554.

4. Cappellano G et al "High levels of circulating osteopontin in inflammatory lung disease regardless of Sars-CoV-2 infection”. EMBO Mol Med. (2021) 3(5).

5. Castello et al. “The Role of Osteopontin as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker in Sepsis and Septic Shock”. Cells (2019):174.


Meriem Lamghari, i3S, (Portugual), Alessandro Polini, CNR Nanotec, (Italy), Mauro Alini, AO foundation, Davos (CH), Costantino Pitzalis, Queens Mary University of London (UK), Salvatore Girardo, Max Plank Institute, (Germany), Francesca Gervaso, CNR Nanotec, (Italy), Michael Gasik, Helisinki, (Finland), Janis Locs, Riga, (Latvia), Pier Luigi Meroni, Auxologico IRCCS, (Italy), Daniele Sblattero, Università di Trieste, (Italy), Damien Dupin, Cidetec (Spain), Carlo Salvarani, IRCCS S. Maria Nuova di Reggio Emilia e Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy), Aurelia Rugetti (Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza), (Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo – Pavia (https://www.sanmatteo.org/site/home.html), Matteo Bellone (I.R.C.C.S. Ospedale San Raffaele) Carla Baldasso (Enginsoft), Laura Boschis (Trustech); Paolo Santino (Standard BioTools), Sasa Novac (Znanost na cesti), Mauro Petretta (REGENHU), Irene Liverani (EU CORE Consulting), Laura Martinelli (Insociety); Janine Jost (Eurice),  Paolo Gargiulo, Reykjavik University; Bruno Peault (The Regents of the University of California – UCLA; Enrica Verné (Politecnico di Torino); Bob Balderas (Becton Dickinson); Pier Luigi Meroni (Istituto Auxologico Italiano); Paola Rocca (AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza -ospedale molinette; AOU Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Maggiore della Carità; AGS -Advanced Global Solution S.p.A, Patrizia Malfa Roelmi e Synbalance.


Finanziamenti (ultimi 5 anni)

1. EU H2020 – From pathobioLogy to synoviA on chip: driving rheuMatoId arthritis to the precisioN medicine Goal – FLAMIN-GO. (ID: 953121, Euro: 5821613,75).

2. HORIZON EUROPE – Smart and multiFunctional 3D printable prO-Regenerative biologiCal matrix modulating mEchanotRansduction as advancEd theraPy to treAt skIn chRonic wounds – FORCE REPAIR (ID: 101092243, Euro: 5083466,25)

3. HORIZON EUROPE – A game changer for the treatment of osteoarthritis: a cost effective combined advanced therapy to treat knee osteoarthritis – SINPAIN (ID: 101057778, Euro: 5945957).

4. EU H2020 – Precision medicine for musculoskeletal regeneration, prosthetics, and active ageing – PREMUROSA (ID: 860462, Euro: 3348405,36)

5. EU H2020 Twinning to excel materials engineering for medical devices – ExcellMater. (ID: 952033, Euro: 884225,00).

6.   Piano di Sviluppo e Coesione - Piano Riparti Piemonte, Azione 173: INFRA-P – TECNiche multi-OMiche nelle scienze mEDicHe: intelligenza artificiale a supporto della salUte puBblica – TECNOMED-HUB (ID: 378-48, Euro: 533764,53)

7.   Progetti di Ricerca Scientifica, Fondazione Cariplo – Microvesicles at the INtersection between Dysbiosis and Major dEpression disorder: an OMIC approach – MIND-ME (ID: 2019-3277, Euro: 200000,00)

8. NODES Project (NODES – Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile”) (ID ECS_0000036 – PNRR M4C2 “Ecosistemi dell’Innovazione”, Euro: 9.840.019,93).

9. Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (FISM). Title of the project: Binding of osteopontin to its newly identified receptor ICOSL: exploring their Relevance and Activity IN EAE-BRAIN-EAE (2020/PR-Single/021, Euro: 29800,00)



Prof. Annalisa Chiocchetti, Head of the Lab, Responsible of the Research group.

Dr Giuseppe Cappellano – Type B Fixed-term Researchers-(RTD)-B

Dr Davide Raineri – RTD-A

Dr Natasa Kustrimovic – Postdoctoral fellow

Dr Sara Centonze – Postdoctoral fellow

Dr Camilla Barbero Mazzucca – PhD student

Dr Hugo Abreu – PhD student

Dr Beatrice Vilardo – PhD student

Dr Fabiola Stolfi – PhD student

Dr Chiara Venegoni – PhD student

Dr Federica Dell’Atti-PhD student

Dr Riccardo Sinella – PhD student

Dr Sara Nembrini – Research fellow

Dr Ali Ghazanfar – Research fellow

Dr Shital Dilip Gangurde - Research fellow




Ultima modifica 12 Gennaio 2024