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Governing bodies

The Department is composed of: the Department Council, the Manager of the Department, who chairs the Council, and the Executive Board, the operational body of the Department.

Department Council

This is responsible for planning and developing activities, and indicating methods of implementation.

It is composed of:

  • Manager: Pro.ssa Lia Rimondini
  • Tenured professors
    • Prof. Michele Arneodo
    • Prof. Renzo Boldorini
    • Prof.ssa Annalisa Chiocchetti
    • Prof.ssa Sandra D'Alfonso
    • Prof.ssa Irma Dianzani
    • Prof. Umberto Dianzani
    • Prof.ssa Antonia Follenzi
    • Prof. Ciro Isidoro
    • Prof.ssa Lia Rimondini
    • Prof. Claudio Santoro
    • Prof.ssa Paola Savoia
    • Prof. Mario Valletta
  • Associate Professors
    • Prof. Paolo Aluffi Valletti
    • Prof. Alessio Baricich
    • Prof.ssa Simonetta Bellone
    • Prof.ssa Francesca Boccafoschi
    • Prof.ssa Rita Carini
    • Prof.ssa Lucia Corrado
    • Prof. Marco Corazzari
    • Prof. Diego Cotella
    • Prof. Stefano De Cilla
    • Prof. Matteo Donadon
    • Prof. Massimiliano Garzaro
    • Prof. Sergio Gentilli
    • Prof. ssa Sarah Gino
    • Prof.ssa Mara Giordano
    • Prof. Marco Invernizzi
    • Prof. Massimiliano Leigheb
    • Prof.ssa Francesca Persichetti
    • Prof.ssa Flavia Prodam
    • Prof.ssa Ivana Rabbone
    • Prof. Ottavio Rena
    • Prof. Filippo Renò
    • Prof. Vincenzo Rocchetti
    • Prof.ssa Marta Ruspa
    • Prof.ssa Salvatore Sutti
  • Researchers
    • Dott.ssa Barbara Azzimonti
    • Dott. Donato Colangelo
    • Dott.ssa Luigia Grazia Fresu
    • Dott.ssa Antonella Petri
    • Dott.ssa Roberta Rolla
  • Fixed-term researchers
    • Dott.ssa Anna Aspesi
    • Dott.ssa Nadia Barizzone
    • Dott.ssa Ester Borroni
    • Dott.ssa Chiara Borsotti
    • Dott.ssa Marina Caputo
    • Dott.ssa Flavia Carton
    • Dott. Giuseppe Cappellano
    • Dott. Andrea Cochis
    • Dott. Simone Merlin
    • Dott. ssa Alice Monzani
  • Technical-Administrative staff
    • Andrea Burrini
    • Letizia Iadanza
    • Roberto Serra
    • Valter Rolando
  • Representatives of research assistants
    • Anna Montagna
    • Davide Raineri
  • Student representatives
    • Gaia Condello
    • Tommaso Trisciuoglio
    • Alessandro Verolla


The manager is elected from among the tenured and associate professors by the Department Council. He/she remains in office for three academic years and cannot be consecutively re-elected more than once.

Current manager: prof.ssa Lia Rimondini

Address: via Solaroli, 17 - 28100 Novara
Tel. 0321-660.644 -   Fax 0321-620.421

Department Board

The Board assists the Manager in his/her duties and takes care of drafting operational proposals.

It is composed of:

  • Manager: Prof. ssa Lia Rimondini;
  • Assistant Manager: Prof. Renzo Boldorini;
  • Tenured Professors:
    Prof. Umberto Dianzani; Prof. Claudio Santoro
  • Associate Professors
    Prof. Marco Corazzari; Prof. Marco Invernizzi;
  • Researchers
    Dott.ssa Anna Aspesi;
    Dott.ssa Barbara Azzimonti;
  • Technical-Admin staff
    Sig.ra Letizia Iadanza

Last modified 16 August 2022